
Shurooq main picture
Shurooq Safaa Al Jewari  ·  Iraq

Being a Refugee Does Not Make Me Less

My aspirations are to become a surgeon, buy my parents their own house, and sell my art.
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Aline Irafasha  ·  Democratic Republic of the Congo
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Sonam  ·  Tibet
681 01 2019 Safi Translator for ESL Class PHOTO SS 5279
Safi  ·  Afghanistan
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Mahsa Ahmadi  ·  Afghanistan
Paul Mwingwa
Paul Mwingwa  ·  Democratic Republic of the Congo

Wherever You Are Put, You Must Grow

It's good to go to an unknown place where I can figure things out.
Hazrat  ·  Afghanistan
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One Family Gives Back

We can’t keep everything for ourselves. We pray that the foundation will grow because the people of Afghanistan, they need help now.
Sarah, pharmacist Highline College
Sarah  ·  Iraq

A Career Pathway and a Safe Place to Work

While you're working, you feel safe.
Marzia and Razia snow photo
Marzia and Razia  ·  Afghanistan
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Noor  ·  Afghanistan


Diary of An Afghan Woman
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Hasti  ·  Afghanistan


Diary of An Afghan Woman
Baran Avatar with text
Baran  ·  Afghanistan


Diary of An Afghan Woman
ZOYA Avatar
Zoya  ·  Afghanistan


Diary of An Afghan Woman
Kadija and Idris  ·  Somalia

You Have to Be Able to Trust Yourself

" When we first landed in America, we found a taxi, but my family didn’t speak English. Everybody laughed when we tried to talk, we thought that no one cared about us anymore..."
Natalie Dress Shop
Natalie  ·  Democratic Republic of the Congo

Belonging: Undeniable

I want them to dream, to know that we can do it too.
Rawah  ·  Iraq

Here I Can Make My Own Future

Here I can make my own life
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