

Help us work toward a world where “there is no them, only us” as we highlight individuals impacted by displacement and focus on our shared humanity.

Volunteer your skills and time to help share stories and cultivate meaningful relationships with people seeking refuge in your community. Together we can build strong and inclusive communities around the world.

We have dozens of long-term and project-based volunteer opportunities, including opportunities in the areas highlighted below. Don’t see a place where you fit? Apply under “General Interest” and we will find a place for you!

We look forward to welcoming you to Their Story is Our Story (TSOS)!

Our Internship Program

Internships provide an opportunity to facilitate integration within educational communities, and allow both refugees and non-refugees the opportunity to receive technical and professional training.

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Their Story is Our Story is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization under the United States Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax-deductible. Our tax identification number is 812983626.