
Dedicated Their Story is Our Story (TSOS) volunteers work hard to collect and share the experiences of refugees to deepen understanding and influence action. Learn more about the work, the people, and what moves us!


TSOS presented at BYU 's Law and Leadership Peacebuilding Conference on March 25, 2022. It was an honor to participate with scholars from Columbia, Tufts, BYU, the University of Utah and elsewhere. Discussions focused on how to find consensus and build peace in a time of division, and while the presenters spoke on very different topics, each came back to the same themes.

April 13, 2022

Volunteer Perspective

University campuses are some of the most vibrant centers for bridging learning with activism. Learn how some community partner campus chapters are getting involved in support of refugees.

April 8, 2022

In The NewsPodcast

“There are people on both sides (of conflict) that don’t agree with the hate and animosity and aggression (of their governments) and a lot of the time, we don’t look at that.”

March 28, 2022

Most of the refugees were living in apartments where everyone is in close proximity to one another. During quarantine, everyone was home all the time. I wanted to make sure each kid had a cozy, comfy, cute bed that belonged to them and fit their personality.

March 22, 2022

Join Miss Utah 2021 Sasha Sloan and TSOS Community Program Coordinator, Shurooq Al Jawari, for their Instagram live interview where they discuss their upcoming education workshop.

March 22, 2022

There are no good answers here, and it’s too late for any answers at all for many Muslims in China. But awareness of and advocacy for the real people whose lives have been changed forever is at least something we all can do.

March 21, 2022

Rugs? Why would they need rugs? Everything I thought I knew about helping someone acclimate to a new country and a new culture flew straight out the window of the resettlement agency that my TSOS colleagues and I were volunteering at.

March 21, 2022

A rewarding two-day conference sharing hope and best practices with approximately 500 other like-minded individuals.

March 14, 2022


Their Story is Our Story stands with those suffering in Ukraine. As we watch with deep sadness the plight of the Ukrainian people, let us recommit to providing a community of welcome and support for all forcibly displaced people.

March 8, 2022
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