Connected Communities

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Jhennyfer and Carlos  ·  Venezuela

Outside the Land that Gave Us Everything

Nowadays, the journalist is persecuted and intimidated, and tortured for showing reality in a photo or image.
Marzia and Razia snow photo
Marzia and Razia  ·  Afghanistan
Giovanny 3 2
Giovanny Francisco Torrealba Ramirez  ·  Venezuela

Help Me to Keep Helping

We walked until we thought we must be lost. A truck driver gave me a ride. It took seven hours. Can you imagine how many days that would have taken to walk?
Nathalie - Democratic Republic of Congo  ·  Democratic Republic of the Congo

You Look Undeniable

"I still have more dreams..."
Midwives of Cox Bazaar
Midwives - Cox Bazaar  ·  Bangladesh

Midwives of Cox's Bazar

"I am midwife, with women for a lifetime..."
Marta Vazquez
Marta and Israel  ·  Honduras

Mi Casa Es Su Casa

"I was like half in the U.S. and half in Mexico but I finally made it through..."
IMG 2958
Emilia  ·  Honduras

Arrival: I Took Sanctuary

I Fear for my Daughter's Life and My Own
Rita 2018
Rita  ·  Iraq

I Wanted to Be in Charge of My Destiny

In America, people follow their dreams
Zeze Rwasama
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Where You Are Needed

Maybe it's not about what you want to become, it's about where you're needed.
Rasheeda  ·  Iran

The Journey: What We Carry

I pray most of all for my children who are still in Afghanistan and Iran.
Hania, West Africa
Haniah - West Africa  ·  Ghana

Arrival: Law

"He left me with two babies and went to Libya ... I wemt to Libya, but I didn't find him."
OUR LIVES BEFORE Leonard Bagalwa
Leonard  ·  Democratic Republic of the Congo

Our Lives Before: Born a Survivor

Forced to be a rebel then a spy, Leonard was protected by the pygmies
Julie Anderson, Frankfurt, Germany
United States

She Established a Library for Refugees

I’m thankful to be a small part of this.
Christine Dolan, Paris, France
Christine Dolan  ·  United Kingdom

I Was Called the Sock Ambassador

There are many desperate people…
Brown Family
United States

Bikes for Refugees

“We’re your friends, so let’s break down the walls”
Kayra Martinez, Greece

The Art Creates Support for Families and Children

When I dropped off my first carload … I asked, “May I stay and help?”
Omar, Afghanistan

My Father Was a Member of the Taliban

Because I am almost fourteen and the oldest son, I am responsible for our family.
“A Message to the World,” Oil on linen by Elizabeth Benson Thayer

Children Show Us What Humanity Means

Their future is uncertain, and their past is gone forever.
Diana Levaton, Paris
United States

On the Right Side of History

I organized parents; Ben organized students and faculty.
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