Connected Communities
United States
Bikes for Refugees
“We’re your friends, so let’s break down the walls”
The Art Creates Support for Families and Children
When I dropped off my first carload … I asked, “May I stay and help?”
My Father Was a Member of the Taliban
Because I am almost fourteen and the oldest son, I am responsible for our family.
Children Show Us What Humanity Means
Their future is uncertain, and their past is gone forever.
United States
On the Right Side of History
I organized parents; Ben organized students and faculty.
United States
Our Effort Started from Nothing, Now Look What's Happened
One person can make a difference.
Hatred Can Be Turned Into Love
I graduate in June. I’m not going to leave working with refugees behind.
They Looked Different from Us
“I decided then and there I wanted to become involved in helping refugees.”
United States
They Could Easily Become My Friends
… we were interacting with the refugees on a one-to-one basis
"We Always Kept One Bullet for Suicide"
In order to save our family, we were obliged to leave our country.
We only want to live in peace and safety.
United Kingdom
Tolerance Doesn't Help Much
It’s the situation that is the horrible… thing. It’s not the people in it.
United States
Art to help refugees
An East African Country
East African Refugee Goat Project of Utah
This video highlights some of the ways the goats are helping the three communities transition from their old lives in Africa to their new ones in America.