Connected Communities

Ben Levaton, Paris
United States
Sophia Borletti, Paris

Hatred Can Be Turned Into Love

I graduate in June. I’m not going to leave working with refugees behind.
Fatima Dzhafarova, Paris

They Looked Different from Us

“I decided then and there I wanted to become involved in helping refugees.”
Avery Alley, Paris
United States

They Could Easily Become My Friends

… we were interacting with the refugees on a one-to-one basis
Samadi and Sabroo

"We Always Kept One Bullet for Suicide"

In order to save our family, we were obliged to leave our country.
Mohaned & Zainab


We only want to live in peace and safety.
Paris Ground Support Interview
United Kingdom

Tolerance Doesn't Help Much

It’s the situation that is the horrible… thing. It’s not the people in it.
United States


Art to help refugees
Goat Project
An East African Country

East African Refugee Goat Project of Utah

This video highlights some of the ways the goats are helping the three communities transition from their old lives in Africa to their new ones in America.
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