
Dedicated Their Story is Our Story (TSOS) volunteers work hard to collect and share the experiences of refugees to deepen understanding and influence action. Learn more about the work, the people, and what moves us!

This is the story of father and son refugees, Akhtar and Kamil, and their boss Thomas Eichhorn, owner of a stone quarry in Germany. This a day in their life - two educated and highly-skilled refugees, making a successful life in Germany and a business owner having the vision and compassion to give them that chance.

May 1, 2018

Volunteer Perspective

"Their world was shattered, and the pieces are being sprinkled like some new mosaic across ours. It is up to each one of us to determine what our new shared world picture will look like.... Whatever we decide, their future is our future. Their story is our story."

April 30, 2018

As mankind, living in this world together, we are all "refugees." Because we are members of the same worldwide family, we should have empathy and solidarity for those who are forced to flee from their home countries because their lives are at risk. I help them because I am a refugee and had to flee from my home country with my family to survive!

April 29, 2018

Book Review

Whether they come legally or not, people come here because they long to be free. They come not to destroy, but to build.

April 25, 2018

We received more than we gave — love, friendship, trust and they made me rethink my priorities in life. My work with the refugees affected my kids a lot. I could see their ability to love and their desire to share time with the refugees grow a lot. And they did so without prejudice.

April 18, 2018

Myths and Facts

It’s one of the worst things that can happen to you, everything that you treasure and it’s not just things, it’s community, it’s friends, it’s atmosphere, it’s the type of food, it’s memories, it’s all been forcibly left behind.

April 17, 2018

While out grocery shopping, I came across a family who caught my eye. I worried about putting them on the spot or making them uncomfortable. But when we serendipitously found ourselves in the parking lot across the way from each other, I knew it was my last chance and I'd regret it if I didn't go say something.

April 12, 2018

Seeing that so many people in the world are afraid of refugees, and are filled with misconceptions about what they represent, I jumped at the opportunity to work with other artists and tell these stories to the world. I wish that everyone could see themselves in these refugees’ faces.

April 1, 2018

I had so many questions… Why would someone leave their country, travel this far, only to end up homeless?

It then dawned on me that some of these people had been forced to leave their homes because of war, terrorism and other atrocities. Atrocities that my own country was perhaps contributing to. I felt an urge to help people and set off on a series of volunteer trips abroad.

March 28, 2018

Today, when I read and hear the stories of current refugees, I think of how their experiences parallel my history. To me, their story is my story.

March 21, 2018
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