Bands for Refugees - Success!
Written by Megan Carson
We’ll have more details coming soon of how our Bands for Refugees Event went tonight, but for now we simply want to send out a huge
Thank you to all who volunteered time, talents, and gifts! And, to everyone who attended, thank you for the gift of your presence! Those who are refugees among us (in person and online) see your presence and it sends them a message that there are people who care! Keep showing up! Keep speaking out!
Please accept our humble thanks for joining your voices with ours and with our refugee friends! We need all who are willing to continue to raise their voices, echoing the truths about refugees. The world needs to hear their truth and your voice can be a voice of truth, of compassion, of change.
**NOTE: If you have photos from tonight, please share them with us! #BandsForRefugees
**AND, if there’s anything about the event that you’d like to share with us, we’d LOVE to hear how you were affected by this event! Send us a message through FB Messenger or through our website:
Bands for Refugees
Virginia’s New Pathway for International Physicians: Key Insights from RPA’s Webinar for Medical Executives
RPA Founders Present at the 2024 National Afghan Medical Professionals Association of America Scientific Conference
Dr. Sarah Kureshi and Brandi Kilmer, co-founders of the Refugee Physicians Advocacy (RPA) Coalition, presented at the 2024 National Afghan Medical Professionals Association of America (AMPPA) Scientific Conference in October. Their topic “Strengthening the Medical Workforce with Skilled International Physicians” resonated strongly with an audience of over 50 Afghan professionals who share an interest in advancing the medical careers of displaced Afghans.