
Dedicated Their Story is Our Story (TSOS) volunteers work hard to collect and share the experiences of refugees to deepen understanding and influence action. Learn more about the work, the people, and what moves us!


THIS FRIDAY, August 3rd from 6-9pm, Liz will be greeting exhibit-goers at a reception for her exhibit. You won't want to miss this exhibit - it's soul-stirring and powerful! And, to meet Liz in person, to hear her experiences behind the paintings makes them really come to life.

August 2, 2018

In The News

Our family had just settled in Frankfurt. I was ready to finally write my series of historical novels, a project I’d been researching for over two decades on the global road. Then the world tipped on its axis. Into our cozy German town skidded trainloads and busloads of refugees.... The hour I stepped into that gym to teach,... I was consumed with a spirit I had never before felt. My heart swelled with love and compassion. How could I go home and write historical fiction in the face of such current reality? My life—our lives—were profoundly redirected.

July 21, 2018


These drawings and paintings represent an effort to bring you into another’s story. They are glimpses into the lives of refugees from the Middle East and Africa. They are only a few of millions who feel rejected, ignored, and forgotten. They want to tell their story. I want to show who they are. If you cannot stand literally face to face, I hope you will take this opportunity to look into their eyes and listen. Discover that their stories are actually all a part of our Story.

July 20, 2018

These beautiful, majestic giants gain strength from being connected to each other. Their roots intertwine and merge into a connectedness that allows them to nourish each other and hold each other up. When winds and storms, floods and earthquakes come, these trees stand firm and tall because of the connected community their roots have created.

July 16, 2018


Our talented and award-winning portrait artist, Liz Thayer, will have an art show going up June 26 through August 27 at the Covey Center in Provo, Utah. There will be two receptions: July 6 and August 3. These will be in conjunction with Provo’s First Friday Gallery Stroll events.

June 25, 2018


We look forward to meeting you at the TSOS booth to share heroic refugee stories and opportunities of hope for refugees. Saturday, June 23rd, at the Fairmont Park, 2100 South 1071 East in Salt Lake City. Bring the entire family to bask in the warmth of humanitarian fellowship and support which will be evident at this notable event. Come with questions or a willingness to help.

June 21, 2018

We often hear the phrase, "Go big or go home!" But, maybe it doesn't matter so much if we go big or go small, just as long as we GO. So, pick something that works for you, find some way to do good in the world, and go out there and make it happen!

June 20, 2018

"Neighbor is not a geographic term. It is a moral concept. It means our collective responsibility for the preservation of man’s dignity and integrity… When I was the rabbi of the Jewish community in Berlin under the Hitler regime, I learned many things. The most important thing that I learned under those tragic circumstances was that bigotry and hatred are not the most urgent problem. The most urgent, the most disgraceful, the most shameful and the most tragic problem is silence." - Rabbi Joachim Prinz

June 19, 2018

Thank you to all who volunteered time, talents, and gifts! And, to everyone who attended, thank you for the gift of your presence! Those who are refugees among us (in person and online) see your presence and it sends them a message that there are people who care!

June 17, 2018

When my husband and I moved to a new city as newlyweds 10 years ago, I began looking for a way to get involved in the community. My husband was in school and working, and I had evenings and weekends with free time to spare.

June 13, 2018
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