Blog → October 24, 2018

RadioActive: Refugee Stories are Our Stories

Melissa Bio

Written by Megan Carson

One of the co-founders of Their Story Is Our Story, Melissa Dalton-Bradford, was recently in Utah to receive a much-deserved award and recognition for her Service to Family from her alma mater, Brigham Young University.

While in town for the events surrounding that, she filled her schedule to the maximum humanly possible with events to spread the stories of our refugee friends and promote the recently released book of their stories, Let Me Tell You My Story.

Among the events that Melissa participated in, she was interviewed on the radio show Radio Active with Executive Producer/Host Lara Jones.

Here’s just one quote from that interview:

“How am I going to answer the upcoming generation? How am I going to leave some sort of small legacy so I could say, ‘I could not do everything, I’m sorry that I couldn’t do everything, but could I do something? Could I do something, just one small thing?’ It’s an accumulation of all of these one small things, that literally do shift history.”

Now, go and listen to the whole thing: Radio Active Interview with Melissa Dalton-Bradford. You can find it at 17:40 through 45:20. Absolutely worth the time to listen to!

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