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Aarash  ·  Afghanistan
Ghezal  ·  Afghanistan

Why We Flee: The Taliban Says We are All Infidels

If you have a child, you will understand how I feel.
Linar and her family, from Afghanistan
Linar  ·  Afghanistan

We Were Stuck Between Two Patrols

We only had enough to get this far, here in Greece. Now we’re stuck.
Mariam, Afghanistan
Mariam  ·  Afghanistan

The Journey: I Want to Go Back to School

I want to have a room with a bed and space to breathe.
Morena, Afghanistan

I Was Thinking of Suicide

I am a lonely woman with two children.
Walid, Afghanistan

I Produced Media Against the Taliban

I graduated with a degree in journalism and joined the Afghan police force.
Nadia, Afghanistan
Nadia  ·  Afghanistan

We are Scattered

My father and brother made it to Sweden; my mother and I are trapped in Greece.

“I Married When I was Ten-Years-Old”

Now I am alone, living in a tent here in Greece.

My Uncle Said, “I Can't Cut Off Anyone’s Head”

They took my uncle and he’s been gone for six years.
Habib Draws Water From Camp Hoses In Greece

I Had a Mechanic Shop

A husband, a father, a mechanic. Now a refugee.
Ahmad and his child


Even when all else is beyond our control, hope keeps us from giving up.
Ahmad and his wife

We Married Anyway

I know I have to start and build a new life from the beginning.
Zurvan Daughter

Who Will Listen to Our Pain?

I am responsible for the welfare of my children.
Refugee Child Painting

I am a Refugee Child

We hope for peace, friendship, good behavior and good treatment. And my wish is peace.
Faroosh Family

If Peace Returns, We Will Go Back

If peace returns to Afghanistan one day, we will definitely go back. I had a peaceful and good life there. I had a house and a job.
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