The Journey: I Want to Go Back to School
I want to have a room with a bed and space to breathe.

We left our home after the Taliban beat my father and made him quit his job. They threatened to torture and kill my sisters, my brother, and me. So we left.
I have seen many countries now. I have walked through Iran and Turkey. I have lived in Greece, walked through Macedonia and Albania, and lived in Serbia. We tried many times to get into Romania. It was very cold, and we walked all night in the mountains and had to be fast and quiet. We were caught and sent back every time. Now we are back in a camp in Greece.
I am thirteen. I want to go back to school. I want to have a room with a bed and space to breathe. I want to be safe again.
Our team members obtain informed consent from each individual before an interview takes place. Individuals dictate where their stories may be shared and what personal information they wish to keep private. In situations where the individual is at risk and/or wishes to remain anonymous, alias names are used and other identifying information is removed from interviews immediately after they are received by TSOS. We have also committed not to use refugee images or stories for fundraising purposes without explicit permission. Our top priority is to protect and honor the wishes of our interview subjects.