United States - Utah

Holding Onsm
Omaya  ·  Afghanistan

Everyone was Desperate

What it Took to Get Out of Afghanistan Alive
Faiz and Nathan
Faiz and Nathan  ·  Sudan
Dhulfiqar Al Hamawendi
Dhulfiqar Al Hamawendi  ·  Iraq
Abdu Wali Kakaie
Abdu Wali Kakaie  ·  Afghanistan

There is Freedom Here, but I Miss My Wife

Catholic Community Services Works to Reunite a Family Separated by War
Abdifitah  ·  Somalia

I Would Like To Own My Own Business Again

Catholic Community Services helps Somali man with credentials and employment, after reuniting him with his wife.
Shurooq main picture
Shurooq Safaa Al Jewari  ·  Iraq

Being a Refugee Does Not Make Me Less

My aspirations are to become a surgeon, buy my parents their own house, and sell my art.
Kadija and Idris  ·  Somalia

You Have to Be Able to Trust Yourself

" When we first landed in America, we found a taxi, but my family didn’t speak English. Everybody laughed when we tried to talk, we thought that no one cared about us anymore..."
IMG 2958
Emilia  ·  Honduras

Arrival: I Took Sanctuary

I Fear for my Daughter's Life and My Own
OUR LIVES BEFORE Leonard Bagalwa
Leonard  ·  Democratic Republic of the Congo

Our Lives Before: Born a Survivor

Forced to be a rebel then a spy, Leonard was protected by the pygmies
Goat Project
An East African Country

East African Refugee Goat Project of Utah

This video highlights some of the ways the goats are helping the three communities transition from their old lives in Africa to their new ones in America.
Dr  Abdul Nasser Kaadan Cu Copy

Abdul Nasser

Dr. Abdul Nasser Kaadan, of Aleppo Syria, is a highly regarded physician and scholar. But his honors, credentials, and vital work could not keep him safe in his home country.
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