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Edress · Afghanistan
Arrival: We Defied the Taliban
I love to play soccer. I love to work and cook.

Women Have No Rights There
I look forward to having a calm life filled with great achievements.

Mariam · Afghanistan
The Journey: I Want to Go Back to School
I want to have a room with a bed and space to breathe.

Nine Months Pregnant, I Boarded a Plane
My husband is raising our three daughters and our son in a camp in Greece without me.

I Have Never Known Peace
We have had war in Afghanistan since before I was born

I Was Thinking of Suicide
I am a lonely woman with two children.

My Father Was a Member of the Taliban
Because I am almost fourteen and the oldest son, I am responsible for our family.

The Taliban Slaughtered Gay Men like Animals
It was hard to be gay in my country. You can’t live as a [free] man.

A West African Country
I Left Because of Religious Conflict
I wanted to stay in Africa, but I wanted my life to be secure, so I came to Europe.

In Libya Life is No Good
The first day I came to Italy, I had a friend, an Italian friend.

Sanaz · Syria
The Journey: We Awoke to Find Planes Bombing Above Us
Our life was very good. We were very comfortable and happy.

We Just Want Peace
I don’t want my children to live in war.

I Produced Media Against the Taliban
I graduated with a degree in journalism and joined the Afghan police force.

I've Been Deaf and Mute Since Birth
When I was old enough, I was forced to marry the head of our region.

I Was Tortured Three Times
We decided to leave and sold everything we had; there is no way back.

Rahim · Afghanistan
I Fought to Keep My Hope
It gives me a bad feeling … that I am safe and my friends are still in trouble.

I Just Want Him to be Safe
That’s why we came here—so they would not take him away from me.

A Nonsense Custom
We can’t go back. It is not safe for women there.

Children Show Us What Humanity Means
Their future is uncertain, and their past is gone forever.

United States
On the Right Side of History
I organized parents; Ben organized students and faculty.
181 - 200 of 285 stories