Volunteer Perspective

Volunteer Perspective

A glimpse at Back to School for newcomers

In these “Back to School” days, it is important to note that education is a vital step in self-actuation. Helping schools recognize best practices in supporting ESL is the basis of building communities full of strong and capable citizens with skills that will provide societal dividends.

August 30, 2022

Volunteer Perspective

Focus on Friendship

There really is something that everyone can do. Whether you just have time to donate a hygiene item, or you have an hour to drive a family to school, or you have 3 hours to do activities for children, there is something all of us can do to lift and love our new neighbors.

August 11, 2022

Volunteer Perspective

Phoenix 2022 World Refugee Day Events

Sometimes Community Programs here in Arizona feel a little bit like “Wait and See Time”. We get a little info or do a little something and then we wait and see what happens next. Always coming in small bits which keeps us patiently, or not-so-patiently waiting. And in the refugee business, things are always changing. Government regulations, projects running late, sickness, communication problems, transportation problems, trauma, stress, etc. can make everything change little by little and sometimes suddenly.

July 30, 2022

Volunteer Perspective

The Traditions of Ramadan

It is a privilege to have friends from other cultures, countries and faith. Learning from them is an even greater privilege. This month of Ramadan has opened my eyes to a beautiful tradition and sign of devotion held by an estimated 1.8 billion people in this world. And according to, Pew Research Center, Islam is the fastest growing religion worldwide.

May 3, 2022

Volunteer Perspective

Expanding University Involvement

University campuses are some of the most vibrant centers for bridging learning with activism. Learn how some community partner campus chapters are getting involved in support of refugees.

April 8, 2022

Volunteer Perspective

Internship Program: Shared Experiences & Personal Growth

In an era where technology is so prominent and information is available to us at the simple click of a button, sharing experiences has never been so easy, yet it has left meaningful connections to sometimes be difficult. We are sometimes disillusioned into imagining that we can progress in our personal and professional lives best on our own, but I have found that is anything but true.

August 5, 2021

Volunteer Perspective

2019 World Refugee Day Celebrations, Washington D.C.

On June 20, 2019 representatives from our TSOS-D.C. team celebrated World Refugee Day at the Sunset Run for Refugees, walking the 2-mile route from George Washington University to Lincoln Memorial.

June 20, 2019

Volunteer Perspective

The Mosaic of Our Future

"Their world was shattered, and the pieces are being sprinkled like some new mosaic across ours. It is up to each one of us to determine what our new shared world picture will look like.... Whatever we decide, their future is our future. Their story is our story."

April 30, 2018
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