On Monday, 4 April 2022, I represented Their Story is Our Story at the George Washington University (GW) campus as No Lost Generation-GW launched their Refugee Awareness Week. University campuses are some of the most vibrant centers for bridging learning with activism. For students who want to learn more and support refugee children and adolescents, No Lost Generation (NLG) provides a channel for students on many campuses to get involved. Recently through No Lost Generation’s efforts, GW passed an initiative to expand enrollment of students with refugee backgrounds. Other university students throughout the U.S. are supporting refugee resettlement through the Every Campus a Refuge initiative where university campuses host newly arrived refugee families and support them in their resettlement.
It was energizing to talk to savvy students and strengthen our relationship with our community partners NoVa Friends of Refugees, One Journey Festival, Lutheran Social Services (LSSNCA), Jesuit Refugee Service, UNHCR, and Safe Haven Space. TSOS applauds all the ways university students are helping to create welcoming and inclusive communities. If you are a university student (or know one), we hope you will get involved in the TSOS internship program, volunteer with one of our community partners, or start a refugee initiative at a campus near you.
Virginia’s New Pathway for International Physicians: Key Insights from RPA’s Webinar for Medical Executives
RPA Founders Present at the 2024 National Afghan Medical Professionals Association of America Scientific Conference
Dr. Sarah Kureshi and Brandi Kilmer, co-founders of the Refugee Physicians Advocacy (RPA) Coalition, presented at the 2024 National Afghan Medical Professionals Association of America (AMPPA) Scientific Conference in October. Their topic “Strengthening the Medical Workforce with Skilled International Physicians” resonated strongly with an audience of over 50 Afghan professionals who share an interest in advancing the medical careers of displaced Afghans.