
Norina - Afghan from Iran · Iran
I Just Want to Be Free
I had no rights, no freedom to choose my path.

Rasheeda · Iran
The Journey: What We Carry
I pray most of all for my children who are still in Afghanistan and Iran.

Haniah - West Africa · Ghana
Arrival: Law
"He left me with two babies and went to Libya ... I wemt to Libya, but I didn't find him."

Saheba - AFghan from Iran · Iran
"I only want to be treated like a human being. I just want to be free and to live in peace and safety..."

Rohingya Women · Myanmar
Why We Flee: The Rohingya Women
Whilst safe from the Myanmar military in the camps, Rohingya women remain at risk due to gender-based and sexual violence, discrimination, human trafficking and health problems

Ghezal · Afghanistan
Why We Flee: The Taliban Says We are All Infidels
If you have a child, you will understand how I feel.

Roya · Afghanistan
Our Lives Before: The Unthinkable Happened
In the constitution, on paper, women have equal rights with men, but in reality, they have no rights there.

Amina · Syria
Leaving Aleppo
Amina is one of countless indomitable refugee mothers in the world

Using Personal Experiences to Help Refugee Women
Women of the World

I Organized a Refugee Support Group
In the end you will be judged by the fullness of your heart.

Christine Dolan · United Kingdom
I Was Called the Sock Ambassador
There are many desperate people…

United States
Bikes for Refugees
“We’re your friends, so let’s break down the walls”

The Art Creates Support for Families and Children
When I dropped off my first carload … I asked, “May I stay and help?”

Amina · Syria
I Have Missed Three Years of Their Lives
My husband told me to go to Germany with our youngest son because I am a math teacher and can speak English, and because I am strong.

I Only Want to be Treated Like a Human Being
I just want to be free and to live in peace and safety.

Norina · Iran
Belonging: I Work Hard so I Can Succeed Here
I want my family to stay together here where we can be safe.

Women Have No Rights There
I look forward to having a calm life filled with great achievements.

Mariam · Afghanistan
The Journey: I Want to Go Back to School
I want to have a room with a bed and space to breathe.

Nine Months Pregnant, I Boarded a Plane
My husband is raising our three daughters and our son in a camp in Greece without me.