Refugee Story

Mohida, Afghanistan

Nine Months Pregnant, I Boarded a Plane

My husband is raising our three daughters and our son in a camp in Greece without me.
Henna, Afghanistan

I Have Never Known Peace

We have had war in Afghanistan since before I was born
Morena, Afghanistan

I Was Thinking of Suicide

I am a lonely woman with two children.
Omar, Afghanistan

My Father Was a Member of the Taliban

Because I am almost fourteen and the oldest son, I am responsible for our family.

The Taliban Slaughtered Gay Men like Animals

It was hard to be gay in my country. You can’t live as a [free] man.
Heydi, West Africa
A West African Country

I Left Because of Religious Conflict

I wanted to stay in Africa, but I wanted my life to be secure, so I came to Europe.
Felix, Nigeria

In Libya Life is No Good

The first day I came to Italy, I had a friend, an Italian friend.
Sanaz, Syria
Sanaz  ·  Syria

The Journey: We Awoke to Find Planes Bombing Above Us

Our life was very good. We were very comfortable and happy.
Larif, Afghanistan

We Just Want Peace

I don’t want my children to live in war.
Walid, Afghanistan

I Produced Media Against the Taliban

I graduated with a degree in journalism and joined the Afghan police force.
Radwa, Afghanistan

I've Been Deaf and Mute Since Birth

When I was old enough, I was forced to marry the head of our region.
Ilhan, Afghanistan

I Was Tortured Three Times

We decided to leave and sold everything we had; there is no way back.
Rahim, an Afghan currently living in Switzerland
Rahim  ·  Afghanistan

I Fought to Keep My Hope

It gives me a bad feeling … that I am safe and my friends are still in trouble.
Mina, Afghanistan

I Just Want Him to be Safe

That’s why we came here—so they would not take him away from me.
Bahram, Afghanistan

A Nonsense Custom

We can’t go back. It is not safe for women there.
Rasheeda, Afghanistan

I Brought my Koran and Prayer Rug with Me

We left Iran because we are Afghans.
Nadia, Afghanistan
Nadia  ·  Afghanistan

We are Scattered

My father and brother made it to Sweden; my mother and I are trapped in Greece.
Kalil, Afghanistan

I Am a Civil Engineer; I Am Good at My Job

I hope I can find a good life and that I can continue in my profession.

They Kept Killing — They Killed so Many

ISIS began invading our village on the first day of the revolution.
African Refugees

They Survived Libya

The journey is very, very risky. Many people died — a lot.
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