
Norina - Afghan from Iran  ·  Iran

I Just Want to Be Free

I had no rights, no freedom to choose my path.
Rasheeda  ·  Iran

The Journey: What We Carry

I pray most of all for my children who are still in Afghanistan and Iran.
Saheba - AFghan from Iran  ·  Iran


"I only want to be treated like a human being. I just want to be free and to live in peace and safety..."
Amina Children 1
Amina  ·  Syria

Belonging: A Math Teacher and a Mother

I have missed three years of their lives. I will never get them back.
Amina no watermark
Amina  ·  Syria

Leaving Aleppo

Amina is one of countless indomitable refugee mothers in the world
D C Sunset Run for Refugees 2019

Sunset Run For Refugees, D.C.

Refugees and advocates ran or walked from George Washington University to Lincoln Memorial (approximately 2 miles) as part of an annual event in celebration of World Refugee Day. An Afghan family from Kabul seeking refuge in Frankfurt, Germany, would have to walk almost 4300 miles. That distance is the equivalent of walking from Boston, Massachusettes to San Diego, California, then up the West Coast past Seattle, Washington to the Canadian border.
Nicole Ludwig, Frankfurt, Germany

I Organized a Refugee Support Group

In the end you will be judged by the fullness of your heart.
Julie Anderson, Frankfurt, Germany
United States

She Established a Library for Refugees

I’m thankful to be a small part of this.
Brown Family
United States

Bikes for Refugees

“We’re your friends, so let’s break down the walls”
Kayra Martinez, Greece

The Art Creates Support for Families and Children

When I dropped off my first carload … I asked, “May I stay and help?”
Amina, Syria
Amina  ·  Syria

I Have Missed Three Years of Their Lives

My husband told me to go to Germany with our youngest son because I am a math teacher and can speak English, and because I am strong.
Arif, Syria
Arif - Syria  ·  Syria

Arrival: I Must be Strong for Her

"I like being in school again..."
Shekib, Afghan from Iran
Shekib - Afghan from iran  ·  Iran

Arrival: The Government Has Rejected My Asylum Request

If they send me back to Afghanistan or any other country, what will I do?
Saheba, Afghan from Iran

I Only Want to be Treated Like a Human Being

I just want to be free and to live in peace and safety.
Norina, Afghan from Iran
Norina  ·  Iran

Belonging: I Work Hard so I Can Succeed Here

I want my family to stay together here where we can be safe.
Edrees, Afghan from Iran
Edress  ·  Afghanistan

Arrival: We Defied the Taliban

I love to play soccer. I love to work and cook.
Mohida, Afghanistan

Nine Months Pregnant, I Boarded a Plane

My husband is raising our three daughters and our son in a camp in Greece without me.
Omar, Afghanistan

My Father Was a Member of the Taliban

Because I am almost fourteen and the oldest son, I am responsible for our family.
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