
Untitled24 20220120181644
Sonam  ·  Tibet
Adam Abdoali Jamal Suleiman OUR LIVES BEFORE no stories

On the Streets of Paris

Until contention, rumors of conflict, angry politics and war triggered fear and anxiety
Large Ali 2016
Ali  ·  Afghanistan

The Journey: I Crossed the Mountainous Border

I kept thinking, "I will be dead; I'm not going to make it!"
Christine Dolan, Paris, France
Christine Dolan  ·  United Kingdom

I Was Called the Sock Ambassador

There are many desperate people…
Asad, Afghanistan
Asad  ·  Afghanistan

Belonging: You Are Safe

​You have to have faith and trust in humanity.
Diana Levaton, Paris
United States

On the Right Side of History

I organized parents; Ben organized students and faculty.
Ben Levaton, Paris
United States
Sophia Borletti, Paris

Hatred Can Be Turned Into Love

I graduate in June. I’m not going to leave working with refugees behind.
Fatima Dzhafarova, Paris

They Looked Different from Us

“I decided then and there I wanted to become involved in helping refugees.”
Avery Alley, Paris
United States

They Could Easily Become My Friends

… we were interacting with the refugees on a one-to-one basis
United Kingdom


People were … going up and down in their daily lives, not noticing, not seeing.
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