
Large Ali 2016
Ali  ·  Afghanistan

The Journey: I Crossed the Mountainous Border

I kept thinking, "I will be dead; I'm not going to make it!"
OUR LIVES BEFORE Leonard Bagalwa
Leonard  ·  Democratic Republic of the Congo

Our Lives Before: Born a Survivor

Forced to be a rebel then a spy, Leonard was protected by the pygmies
Amina no watermark
Amina  ·  Syria

Leaving Aleppo

Amina is one of countless indomitable refugee mothers in the world
Nicole Ludwig, Frankfurt, Germany

I Organized a Refugee Support Group

In the end you will be judged by the fullness of your heart.
A Desperate Voyage Through the Sahara Desert
Alex  ·  Nigeria

The Journey: My Drawings Show Sorrows Along the Way

The people that transport you, they don’t show love.
Christine Dolan, Paris, France
Christine Dolan  ·  United Kingdom

I Was Called the Sock Ambassador

There are many desperate people…
Kayra Martinez, Greece

The Art Creates Support for Families and Children

When I dropped off my first carload … I asked, “May I stay and help?”
Linar and her family, from Afghanistan
Linar  ·  Afghanistan

We Were Stuck Between Two Patrols

We only had enough to get this far, here in Greece. Now we’re stuck.
Asad, Afghanistan
Asad  ·  Afghanistan

Belonging: You Are Safe

​You have to have faith and trust in humanity.
Rhenald, Nigeria
Rhenald  ·  Libya

Belonging: My Dream is to Help People Make Life Better

Everyone has his own road and his own destiny.
Idehen, West Africa
Idehen  ·  Libya

Why We Flee: Going to Libya was Hell

I said, “God, OK, if today is my last day, let it be.”
Tamba, West Africa
Tamba  ·  A West African Country

Arrival: I Want to Work

" I want to leave something for my children and grandchildren. The Italians give me a place to sleep and food, but I need help finding a job..."
MoMo, Somalia
Momo  ·  Somalia

Why We Flee: I Don't Know How to Be Happy

“Call your family. Send money.” I said, “I don’t have family. I am an orphan.”
Amina, Syria
Amina  ·  Syria

I Have Missed Three Years of Their Lives

My husband told me to go to Germany with our youngest son because I am a math teacher and can speak English, and because I am strong.
Arif, Syria
Arif - Syria  ·  Syria

Arrival: I Must be Strong for Her

"I like being in school again..."
Saheba, Afghan from Iran

I Only Want to be Treated Like a Human Being

I just want to be free and to live in peace and safety.
Roya, Afghanistan

Women Have No Rights There

I look forward to having a calm life filled with great achievements.
Henna, Afghanistan

I Have Never Known Peace

We have had war in Afghanistan since before I was born
Omar, Afghanistan

My Father Was a Member of the Taliban

Because I am almost fourteen and the oldest son, I am responsible for our family.
Heydi, West Africa
A West African Country

I Left Because of Religious Conflict

I wanted to stay in Africa, but I wanted my life to be secure, so I came to Europe.
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