Official Statement on Recent U.S. Immigration Policy Changes Affecting Vulnerable Populations
How I Learned about Trauma, Resilience, and Safety
Last week, I learned that, “Trauma is all about safety.” I attended a Trauma and Resilience class taught by Phoenix Refugee Connections. Three speakers and a panel of refugees spoke about helping refugees and volunteers through the trauma refugees and helpers encounter.
Voice Your Support for Afghan Adjustment
The Afghan Adjustment (AA) has been reintroduced in both the House (H.R.4627) and the Senate (S.2327) of the United States by a bipartisan group of legislators. We invite you to join us in honoring our promise to our Afghan allies by urging your representatives to pass the Afghan Adjustment!
Uniting for Ukraine: U.S. Sponsors Needed
Just as citizens in Europe and the U.K. have heroically supported displaced Ukrainians by opening up their homes or securing other housing, assisting with school enrollments, employment needs, and language learning, Americans now have the opportunity via the Sponsor Circles program to directly help newly arrived Ukrainians. The United States has committed to welcoming 100,000 Ukrainians temporarily for a period of two-years and the ability to apply for employment authorization in the U.S. as long as they have a U.S.-based sponsor to petition for them.
Casa Alitas Welcomes All
Tucson, and other cities, do so much more when they connect with charities such as Catholic Community Services’ Casa Alitas program. Everywhere you look you can see artwork that brightens the place and further welcomes people. And economically it helps both the city and its citizens.
Phoenix 2022 World Refugee Day Events
Sometimes Community Programs here in Arizona feel a little bit like “Wait and See Time”. We get a little info or do a little something and then we wait and see what happens next. Always coming in small bits which keeps us patiently, or not-so-patiently waiting. And in the refugee business, things are always changing. Government regulations, projects running late, sickness, communication problems, transportation problems, trauma, stress, etc. can make everything change little by little and sometimes suddenly.
Working Together as a Community
"There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals.”― Idowu Koyenikan
Arizona Transitional Housing Proposal
Learn about our proposed Newcomer Community Center and sign the petition to show your support.
Call for Comments - Refugee Resettlement
If you have a story, experience or opinion to share in support of our Afghan allies, we ask you to share it to help us demonstrate public support for legislation that supports and aids these individuals and families.