Voice Your Support for Afghan Adjustment

The Afghan Adjustment (AA) has been reintroduced in both the House (H.R.4627) and the Senate (S.2327) of the United States by a bipartisan group of legislators. We invite you to join us in honoring our promise to our Afghan allies by urging your representatives to pass the Afghan Adjustment!
The Afghan Adjustment:
Provides a pathway to permanent legal status for Afghans resettled in the United States
Expands eligibility for the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) program
Creates an inter-agency task force to better facilitate the relocation of at-risk Afghans currently outside the United States.
For more information on the Afghan Adjustment, please see Evacuate Our Allies.
Here is how you can advocate for the Afghan Adjustment:
Look up who your Senators and Representative are and their contact information.
Check to see if they are Cosponsors on the bills S.2327 and H.R.4627.
If they are Cosponsors, call or email their office and thank them for sponsoring the bill. Reiterate your support.
If they are not Cosponsors, call or email their office and express your support for the bill. Every call or email they receive from their constituents makes a difference.
Here is an example some messaging you can use if they are a Cosponsor:
My name is [FULL NAME] and I am your constituent from [CITY, STATE]. I am contacting you as a [PERSON OF FAITH/REFUGEE/VETERAN/FRIEND/BUSINESS OWNER/TEACHER/VOTER] to thank you for supporting the Afghan Adjustment [S.2327/H.R.4627]. This legislation honors the promises we made to our Afghan allies, strengthens our communities, and helps Afghans integrate and thrive. I appreciate you being a Cosponsor of the Afghan Adjustment.
Here is an example some messaging you can use if they are not a Cosponsor:
My name is [FULL NAME] and I am your constituent from [CITY, STATE]. I am contacting you as a [PERSON OF FAITH/REFUGEE/VETERAN/FRIEND/BUSINESS OWNER/TEACHER/VOTER] to tell you why I want you to support the Afghan Adjustment [S.2327/H.R.4627]. Without the Afghan Adjustment, Afghans don’t have a clear path to lawful permanent residency in the United States. This legislation honors the promises we made to our Afghan allies, strengthens our communities, and helps Afghans integrate and thrive. I encourage you to support the Afghan Adjustment.
Learn more from firsthand stories of people from Afghanistan:
Afghan Stories