Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Aline Irafasha  ·  Democratic Republic of the Congo
Paul Mwingwa
Paul Mwingwa  ·  Democratic Republic of the Congo

Wherever You Are Put, You Must Grow

It's good to go to an unknown place where I can figure things out.
Nathalie - Democratic Republic of Congo  ·  Democratic Republic of the Congo

You Look Undeniable

"I still have more dreams..."
Natalie Dress Shop
Natalie  ·  Democratic Republic of the Congo

Belonging: Undeniable

I want them to dream, to know that we can do it too.
Zeze Rwasama
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Where You Are Needed

Maybe it's not about what you want to become, it's about where you're needed.
OUR LIVES BEFORE Leonard Bagalwa
Leonard  ·  Democratic Republic of the Congo

Our Lives Before: Born a Survivor

Forced to be a rebel then a spy, Leonard was protected by the pygmies
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