United States - Arizona

Mahdi  ·  Afghanistan
Leisa McDonald Executive Director
Leisa McDonald  ·  United States

Matthew House Creates Community Where Community is Missing

Leisa McDonald and Her Welcome Teams Fill the Gaps with Friendship and Housing
Elwaad Samatar
Elwaad Samatar  ·  United States

Advocacy through Storytelling

A college student uses her voice to fight for others
Jean Michel
Jean-Michel  ·  Switzerland

Community: Where We Learn From Each Other

A Swiss Immigrant Serves Refugees With Love.
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Baby Shower Mentor
Doctors coat
Mursal  ·  Afghanistan

The Taliban Came and Gave Me a Warning, But I Did Not Stop

A trained dermatologist from Afghanistan struggles to find a way to practice in the United States as a refugee.
Justice Bus
Eddie Chavez Calderon  ·  Mexico
Eddie Chavez Calderon
Eddie Chavez Calderon  ·  Mexico
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