Community Programs → Colombia


Volunteer Perspective

The American Dream via the Darien Pass

When I was in high school, I was fascinated by geography, and it struck me that there was a highway that I could hop on in my car and drive all the way down into South America. As an imaginative young girl growing up on the Texas-Mexico border, the idea of a road that could take me from my sleepy border town, Laredo, Texas, to the edge of the world in South America, left me awe struck. In high school I learned that this highway is called the Pan-American Highway.

January 9, 2023

The Heart of Internally Displaced Colombians

“We are victims of the armed conflict in Colombia and now forgotten and abandoned by the state. We hope to have all the good-hearted people who can help us, we are very grateful."

December 13, 2021

Call to Action

Consistent Service Can Expand Understanding

Over the last year, TSOS has developed close relationships built on mutual trust with many of the families we help. We know their names, their personal stories, and their individual needs. We are fully aware that our donations are only a temporary band-aid for a larger problem. A bag of groceries only goes so far, and they will be back the following Saturday for more. Sometimes, though, we can make a bigger impact in someone’s life.

September 17, 2021

Dignifying Receiving

Small heart-shaped balloons purchased by a man who knew first hand the indebtedness the recipients would feel allowed receivers at a Christmas donation event to give something in return.

February 6, 2021

Keeping Hope Alive

For the millions of Venezuelans who have traveled on foot to escape crisis, COVID-19 complications have forced many to turn back. How do they maintain hope?

January 2, 2021
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