February 21, 2022

Uniquely Meeting the Needs of Children

Written by Georgette Lalaus
Edited by Darien Laird
Georgette clown class
Georgette teaching the clown class

The last day of December 2020 was a day I will never forget. My husband, Philippe, and I received a call from an organisation. We did not hesitate to answer the call and received 40 fresh meals prepared at home by women to give to those in need.

When we arrived to pick up the meals, we were so amazed to see so much LOVE and SERVICE. We took the meals back to our town with a mission to find someone who needed these healthy meals. I saw a man in the street and I simply asked him “Do you know where we can give this present?”

He immediately led us to a hostel full of people. We asked the people to call everybody to come and share a meal with us. In less than an hour, we had found our people and we saw hands holding the foods with gratefulness. We were the givers and they were the receivers, yet we were both so happy, so overwhelmed by the miracle to find each other.

But that wasn’t all, one of the people told us the other side of the building was also full of families in need. And that is when it started, we immediately decided to go every single day to bring the fresh bread and the tasty food.

After seven months of visiting and delivering food, sharing meals with these wonderful people, I began to notice all of the children playing outside, late into the evening. I knew that I wanted to do something special for them, give them something fun to do. I was inspired to start a clown class! It would be a small acting class where the children could learn to do silly tricks and dress up like a clown.

Clown class child

I started the clown class on July 14th, 2021. The director of the building was amazed to see my energy and Philippe’s will to help, so he wanted to contribute, as well.

One day I arrived in the class and there was a big library and games for children. On another day I saw a fridge to keep cool the fresh foods we would bring. Every day there was another miracle. Now every Wednesday the children have a safe place to grow and have fun.

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Library for the children
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Child with a new game
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Safe place for the children to play

This was at the time I realised this hostel company was the same owner for the other hostel where I had been teaching French classes for a year and a half. Both of the directors knew each other.

Without even telling me, I showed up to my French class, after a four month break, in the other hostel, and was so surprised to see that they were starting to put a library together with computers. Plus, I had seven new students from Afghanistan and they were so thirsty to learn. I knew they were excited, because the number grew from seven to fifteen in just a day.

The group also had many teenagers, who were so eager to learn. Even one day when I arrived late, one of the teens was already up and starting the class without me. The student had truly become the teacher.

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French language classroom

This desire to grow and learn is inspiring me to start another clown class at this location, because once again I am seeing the people gather and create a safe place of learning and fun here. The more who join, the more they will want to volunteer, to help, to grow and become self reliant.

Just like the 40 fresh meals we received to give, each one made by hand with love and service, never forget that even a small action will bring great achievements!

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Clown class student and volunteer
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