April 13, 2022

Mormon Women for Ethical Government Conference: Small Acts, Big Impact

Mormon Women for Ethical Government MWEG conference recap 1

TSOS was happy to participate in the annual conference held by Mormon Women for Ethical Government (MWEG), leading a discussion entitled, “Making Space: Welcoming the Newcomer,” focused on how we can build strong, welcoming communities through education, advocacy and integration and providing practical examples and ideas on how to get involved in this important work.

Christy Bishop, Sarah Webb and Kristen Smith Dayley each shared personal experiences, admitting that this work should come with a warning label. It’s hard to just “dip your toe in,” as once you realize you have a place in this work, it’s hard to stop! The opportunities to get involved are as limitless as your imagination and the power of working with strong, inspiring, resilient people courageously starting over in their lives changes you for the better.

We enjoyed rubbing shoulders with old and new friends, many of whom have offered ways they can help magnify TSOS’ work of changing hearts and minds, one story at a time.

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