TSOS Utah Presentations in April 2017

Their Story is Our Story: Giving Voice to Refugees (TSOS) will present a series of multi-media programs in northern Utah during the first week of April.
We invite you to attend and hear the story of Aeham, a concert pianist who played his piano perched on a vegetable cart amid the rubble of war-torn streets in Yarmouk to lift the hearts of traumatized children. Or Roya, who was shot in both knees because local patriarchs claimed she was a heretic for advocating for women’s rights. Or Ahmad whose legs and jaw were broken by his sweetheart’s family when he eloped with her to keep her from being forced into a polygamous marriage to an older man. Or Ali who had a leg blown off while going to school one day but later found the grit to walk on a broken prosthetic leg across two mountain ranges to escape mass murders in his village. Hope and despair, depression and resilience, defeat and victory are all exemplified in the dozens of stories collected by our TSOS team.
Our main presenters will be Trisha Leimer and Melissa Dalton-Bradford — both personally involved with refugees in Europe. Garrett Gibbons’ film work will be part of our presentation, as will visual displays of stunning photographs by Lindsay Silsby, a professional London photographer, and exquisite paintings by local artist Elizabeth Thayer. At several venues we’ll also be privileged to hear from Syrian refugee Dr. Abdul Nasser Kaadan, who was nominated for a Nobel Prize in literature and now teaches at Weber State University in Ogden, and Lisa Campbell, an exceptional humanitarian who is director of a refugee camp in Greece.
These events are free and open to the public. No tickets or RSVP is necessary.
We encourage you to invite friends and share on Facebook and Twitter.
If you are unable to attend, please consider a donation to support the work of TSOS, allowing us to tell more stories and host more presentations in the coming months and years. Thank you.
Their Story is Our Story is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization under the United States Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax-deductible. Our tax identification number is 812983626.

Voice Your Support for Afghan Adjustment
The Afghan Adjustment (AA) has been reintroduced in both the House (H.R.4627) and the Senate (S.2327) of the United States by a bipartisan group of legislators. We invite you to join us in honoring our promise to our Afghan allies by urging your representatives to pass the Afghan Adjustment!
Slam the Islamophobia
The Emerald Project is a Utah-based organization that carefully designs dialogues to engage with non-Muslims to make Salt Lake Valley a more welcoming home to Muslims. As many of our refugee friends belong to the Muslim faith, we applaud opportunities that foster understanding and were pleased to support The Emerald Project’s 3rd annual “Slam the Islamophobia” event on February 15th.