What I Want Everybody to Know About Afghanistan
All we want is peace and love.

The sons of Adam are limbs of each other
Having been created of one essence.
When the calamity of time affects one limb
The other limbs cannot remain at rest.
If you have no sympathy for the trouble of others,
You are unworthy to be called by the name of human.
--Sa’adi Shirazi, Persian poet
All I want to say is, just imagine yourself leaving the house every morning thinking about what if it’s your last goodbye with your loved ones. Yes this is almost every Afghan’s story. Living in a safe and peaceful environment is every human being’s right, but not everyone is lucky or privileged. People are going through a lot which is unfair. My husband was an engineer and I was a teacher and a linguist. But none of this matters if you don’t feel safe where you live. We left everything and came here to start from scratch. All we want is PEACE and LOVE.
Narges is a linguist living in Seattle. She is a certified medical translator. This is her message to the world after the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in August 2021.
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