Why We Flee: Because We Are Shia, They Want to Destroy Us
I just want to live in a safe place where everyone can live in peace.

Because we are Shia and the Taliban are Sunni, they want to destroy us. My sister was forced to marry into a Taliban family. They killed her.
I worked for eleven years as a hairdresser. I have a certificate. Last year a group of Pashtun (Sunni Muslims) came to our village and opposed me saying that for money I encouraged people to wear immodest, open clothes [because they had to take off their head coverings] and this was against Islam. They wanted me to close my hair salon and they attacked me. We had to leave but couldn’t stay to sell our things at a good price. Our uncle helped finance our escape.
We have six children. I just want to live in a safe place where everyone can live in peace, whether they be Shia, Sunni, Christian or whatever.
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