2021 World Refugee Day Celebrations throughout Texas

Friday, June 18, 20219:00 am -
Sunday, June 20, 2021
7:00 pm CDT
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Check out all of our in-person and virtual events happening at all of our sites across Texas that you and your community can be a part of!

For a list of live and virtual events in a city near you, please visit: Refugee Services of Texas Events Near You


In partnership with the Austin Refugee Roundtable, RST will host both live and streaming events throughout the month of June!

Check out our LIVE events (in-person and virtual) that you can register to be a part of below:

  • 6/18 | 9AM - 12PM Volunteer Day at New Leaf Farms

    It's a World Refugee Volunteer Day with the Multicultural Refugee Coalition at New Leaf Farm! New Leaf Agriculture offers refugees from traditional farming cultures the chance to reconnect and grow in a trade that they are already passionate about. Volunteers help the refugee farm crew in building out our twenty-acre regenerative farm.

  • 6/18 | 12PM - 1PM Juneteenth Panel Discussion

    Juneteenth Panel Discussion: Learn the History, Significance and Celebration of Juneteenth with Simone Talma Flowers and Dr. Kazique Jelani Prince

  • 6/19 | 10AM - 11:30AM RST's Saturday Book Club

    Join us on Saturday, June 19th at 10:00AM CST for our Saturday Book Club featuring Somewhere in the Unknown World by Kao Kalia Yang.

    All over this country, there are refugees. But beyond the headlines, few know who they are, how they live, or what they have lost. Now, with nativism on the rise, Kao Kalia Yang—herself a Hmong refugee—has gathered stories of the stateless who today call the Twin Cities home.

    In Yang’s exquisite, necessary telling, these fourteen stories for refugee journeys restore history and humanity to America's strangers and redeem its long tradition of welcome.

  • 6/19 | 4:30PM - 6:30PM Native Filipino Dinner Experience

    Benz Adriano, survivor of human trafficking and intern at Refugee Services of Texas, will be serving a native Filipino dinner including: vegetarian fried rice, hand-made eggrolls, Filipino pork kabobs, and a very special dessert!

    Refugee Services of Texas will also be introducing our cookbook currently in production, Plated Stories: Legacies from Home to Table, featuring stories and recipes collected from refugees, trafficking survivors, and asylum seekers. Book contributors Ivana Ilic of Facebook and Ahmed Abbas of RST will also speak about their experiences as a refugee and asylum seeker, and what recipes they added to the Plated Stories cookbook!

    Tickets: $25
    seating limited, to-go orders also available!

  • 6/24 | TBD What's Your Why?

    Panel Discussion with refugee resettlement volunteers to learn their "why" about volunteering, donating and serving the refugee population in Central Texas!

  • 6/27 | TBD What's in a Word?

    What's in a Word? A Roundtable Discussion with Language Interpreters!


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