Spring 2024 Internship

Spring 2023 Internship
Participants and Leaders from the Spring 2023 Internship

Their Story is Our Story (TSOS) internships are designed to bring together students and recent graduates who are eager to contribute, learn, and create change. Through this program, interns will have the chance to gain valuable skills, forge meaningful connections, and actively engage in refugee advocacy.

Why Choose a TSOS Internship?

  • Transferable Skills: Expand your skillset with mentorship in project management, writing, editing, and more. Work with professionals and gain hands-on experience that stands out on your resume.
  • Networking: Join a network of like-minded individuals from various backgrounds, fostering friendships, and creating a network that transcends borders.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with TSOS's core pillars of advocacy, education, and integration. Your contributions will directly shape refugee stories and advocate for change.



January 12, 2024 at 11:59pm MST - Priority Application Deadline

February 2, 2024 at 11:59pm MST - Final Application Deadline

February 16, 2024 - Internship Placements Announced via Email

February 19, 2024 - Intern Participation Confirmation Deadline

February 23, 2024 at 12:00pm MST - Internship Orientation Meeting *Required Attendance*

Fridays at 12:00pm MST (12:00pm MDT after March 10, 2024) - Weekly Full Cohort Internship Meetings *Required Attendance*

Weekly Assigned Area Cohort Internship Meetings (at day/time determined by group) *Required Attendance*

April 12, 2024 at 12:00pm MDT - Final Internship Meeting *Required Attendance*

TSOS Internships

Internships are virtual and last for 8 weeks.

All internships require a commitment of no more than 5 hours of work per week.

The program is open to anyone age 18 and older who is currently working toward an education goal and/or is enrolled in (or is a recent graduate of) a higher education program.

Interns are awarded a $300 stipend upon successful completion of the program.


Advocacy - Interns will help with research and legislative tool kits for TSOS advocacy purposes.

Archive - Interns will utilize their writing skills to create beautifully succinct and reflective descriptions of conducted interviews. Their work helps honor the refugee’s story and assists future Global Refugee Archive visitors to conduct meaningful research.

Management - Interns will assist the executive director with volunteer management, record-keeping, and a variety of organizational matters.

Marketing and Public Relations - Interns will create content for the TSOS social media accounts and strategize how to grow our followers and increase community engagement. Additionally, interns will complete a weekly reading to learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Thought Leadership - Interns will research and draft briefs, publications, and any other materials as needed to provide context and support the thought leadership initiatives of TSOS.


"I learned about how the legislative process works and the plight of refugees."

"I learned new skills by transcribing interviews. I learned the power of stories."

"I grew in my ability to research, read, and interpret legislation pertaining to refugee integration."

"I learned a lot about SEO. This gave me a greater understanding about marketing as a whole."

"I was taught the importance of truly listening to those you are serving in order to understand them and learn how to best help them."

"I learned about what we can do as individuals to help refugees in our community."

TSOS is able to provide internship opportunities because of generous donors. Please consider a donation to help us sustain future internship cohorts!

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