
Internship Outcomes


The TSOS Internship program creates a unique academic opportunity

Interns work for 5 hours per week on group projects made up of diverse team members. All interns take part in building a repository of refugee stories and broadening our voice across social media. These shared stories become a foundation of future research and understanding of global crises and how to best prevent and aid in global refugee issues.

We have welcomed interns from nine different states and from a variety of educational backgrounds spanning from fine arts, social work, languages, and education, to business and engineering.

Please visit the links below to see past intern work. We are always adding more content, so please bookmark this page and watch our social media channels as we continue to highlight intern work.

"I myself do not have knowledge of many stories faced by my own parents and grandparents. Interning at TSOS gave me an opportunity to work with powerful stories of individuals that have the right to be heard and their family deserves these experiences, struggles, and survivals to be told."

- Muna Adhikari, Archive Intern -

Story Production

Utilizing interviews housed in the Global Refugee Archive, Story Production Interns are responsible for digesting first-hand interviews of refugees and preparing their stories for either social media or the archive.

Video Production

Using PROMO software, video production interns create videos that tell the stories of refugees or advocates, or videos that will help promote TSOS across social media platforms.

Podcast Production

Using Adobe Audition, podcasting interns produce a podcast for TSOS. Interns research, interview, and mix audio from different sources to create the finished episode(s).

Stay tuned for the full launch of our TSOS Internship Podcast!

TSOS is able to provide internship opportunities because of donors and subscribers like you. Thank you for your support.

Please consider a donation to help us sustain future cohorts!

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