Fairfax County, Virginia - Opportunity Neighborhoods

Communities from Arizona to Fairfax, from Warwickshire to New Anschpach, and Bogota to Cartegena have seen the positive effects of nurturing immigrant populations. Learning the best ways to integrate newcomers helps stimulate economies and create vibrant and competitive communities.
Through a successful model of building welcoming communities, Fairfax County, Virginia brings community-based organizations together to better meet the needs of vulnerable populations. Opportunity Neighborhoods (ON) provides a network of partners who identify gaps in services and then work with low-income residents together to prioritize their needs, and develop solutions with shared support from:
- Community members
- Faith communities
- Schools
- Businesses and
- County Agencies
By collaborating with partners to deliver needed resources for refugee and vulnerable youth along with their families. Opportunity Neighborhoods creates a strong infrastructure to welcome, support, and empower newcomers through sustainable integration.
Please visit Opportunity Neighborhoods for newcomer integration and community strengthening ideas.
Virginia’s New Pathway for International Physicians: Key Insights from RPA’s Webinar for Medical Executives
RPA Founders Present at the 2024 National Afghan Medical Professionals Association of America Scientific Conference
Dr. Sarah Kureshi and Brandi Kilmer, co-founders of the Refugee Physicians Advocacy (RPA) Coalition, presented at the 2024 National Afghan Medical Professionals Association of America (AMPPA) Scientific Conference in October. Their topic “Strengthening the Medical Workforce with Skilled International Physicians” resonated strongly with an audience of over 50 Afghan professionals who share an interest in advancing the medical careers of displaced Afghans.