Blog → April 29, 2018

Displacement Can Happen to Anyone

Hameds Family

Written by Hamed Arian

As mankind, living in this world together, we are all “refugees.” Because we are members of the same worldwide family, we should have empathy and solidarity for those who are forced to flee from their home countries because their lives are at risk. Displacement can happen to anyone. 

Refugees who have been forced to leave their homelands and cross international boundaries cannot return home safely. Many have spent their whole lives struggling for their rights to live in peace. They did not choose to be refugees but were forced to seek asylum in other countries. As a worldwide family, they should be respected and welcomed to new homes and expected to contribute to the good of all in return.

I am honored to work with Their Story is Our Story: Giving Voice to Refugees (TSOS) as a translator and refugee coordinator and help them tell the stories of refugees to the world. I help them because I am a refugee and had to flee from my home country with my family to survive! 

I am committed to work with TSOS, to stand with them and help them in as many ways as possible because I know refugees very well and I can feel their pains. 

May God bless and protect them all and bring them happiness and peace. (Amen)

Hamed With His Family
Hamed with his Family
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