Their Story is Our Story Prepares to Give Voice to More Refugees

Written by Twila Bird
My name is Twila Bird; I’m one of the founders of TSOS. I just returned from another trip to Europe in behalf of TSOS (Their Story is Our Story) to help interview refugees trying to find safe places in a world of chaos. Here’s our team as we first gathered last week from our far-flung homes to begin interviewing in Germany, France and Italy.
I’m always a muddle of emotions when I return home from these intense, story-gathering ventures. I feel guilt for returning to comfort after witnessing profound deprivation. I’m angry and frustrated with those who have eyes but don’t see. I despair at how inhumane humans can be. Conversely, I feel tremendous respect for those who endure indignities with dignity and I feel joy as I mingle with those who lift, clothe, feed, and comfort. My hope rises when I see how humane humans can be.
So now our work begins afresh. We’re armed with dozens of new, raw glimpses into the lives of desperate people on the move. We want to show how similar their hopes and dreams are to yours and mine. They want security, dignity, and a place to call home. I can’t cure their woes by myself but I can do something. With other TSOS team members, I can help by posting their stories in the hope that understanding will breed compassion.