Blog → December 15, 2016

Oinofyta Today

Oinofyta Front Hall

Much has changed. It is freezing and wet, the heating is broken, the basement is full of sewage, they and a big brawl in the camp last night among the residents. But they have some new rooms inside the warehouse and they just had the ribbon cutting ceremony for single men’s facilities in the top floor of part of the warehouse that can house 70 men (periwinkle blue hallways). 

Tomorrow I will meet with Jess, Lisa’s second in command, to get the pictures figured out and find out who is still here in the camp. Then we will do mandalas with them for several hours. I saw several familiar faces. I’m eager to touch base with them. 

Oinofyta Isobox


I wish I could have taken a picture of the line of 10-12 people crowded into the small office and huddling in front of Jess’ desk waiting to ask for blankets and sleeping bags, etc. Very colorful, very tense. It is miserable for everyone right now.  Jess is handling it well and hopes to survive until Lisa returns. (She only left yesterday).

Oinofyta Jess
Oinofyta Outside Building
Oinofyta Tents
Oinofyta Playing Ball
Oinofyta Blue Halls
Oinofyta Stalls
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